“Project Creation Form” is launched today!

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the launch of  “Project Creation Form” by the Finance Office today. This form is to facilitate the set up and management of externally-funded projects. From now on, all Project Investigator/ Budget Holder of new project should complete this form and submit the relevant documents as requested in the form and email to project@hsu.edu.hk .
The FO/ Form 48 Project Creation Form can be downloaded from the Finance Office website: https://fo.hsu.edu.hk/staff-intranet/form-download/
Once we receive the form and the documents, we will email you the project code and relevant project information after verifying the details.
Should there is any query on the form, please email to project@hsu.edu.hk for assistance.
Thank you for your attention.
Best regards,
Finance Office
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

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