Menu Price Adjustment – Cafe at S.H. Ho Academic Building and Coffee Corner at Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, Yuen Campus (Effective: 17 January 2022)

Dear all,

Menu Price Adjustment – Cafe at S.H. Ho Academic Building and Coffee Corner at Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, Yuen Campus (Effective: 17 January 2022)

The Catering Services Committee (“CSC”) has recently approved the request for menu price adjustment of $1 to $2 for selected items for the Cafe at S.H. Ho Academic Building and Coffee Corner at Lee Quo Wei Academic Building, Yuen Campus, considering the surge in food costs and the existing menu prices have remained unchanged since semester 1 of 2019/20. The new menu prices and +$1 for takeaway for lunch set will be effective from 17 January 2022. 

The CSC comprises both staff and student representatives and will meet regularly to review the quality of catering service on campus. If you have any comments or suggestions on the catering services, please feel free to contact the CSC via email ( together with your name, department/ office, staff/ student ID number, contact number or email address.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Best regards,

Finance Office

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